With family of origin (7 siblings+father), 11/16


As chorus member (Henry Higgins's servant, rightmost), Syracuse Opera Production of My Fair Lady, April 2016
Active in training both undergraduate and graduate chemists and biochemists at Syracuse University

Sailing in my little Sunfish on Cazenovia Lake

High school yearbook photo taken fall 1972. Here, as published in the Harvard Freshman Register in Fall 1973.
- Parents: Alex Braiman MD (psychiatrist, born in Brooklyn 1926; deceased 2020); Pauline Pommerenke Braiman (nurse born Pittsburgh 1933, deceased 1985)
- Siblings (7): Beth Young, Natasha Dougherty; Daniel, Jonathan, Theodore, Sarah, and Michael Braiman. Only Jonathan still resides in NY (Saratoga Springs)
- Nieces and Nephews: 20 total, 1 of whom still resides in NY.
Since January 2022: Member, Libertarian Party National Platform Committee
2022-Present: Secretary, Libertarian Party of Nw York
2020-present: Member, State Committee of Libertarian Party of NY (6th Judicial District)
Jan-Jun 2020 and July 2021-Present: Chair, Madison County Libertarian Party
July 2020-July 2021: Treasurer, Madison County Libertarian Party
Jan-Jun 2020 and July 2021-Present: Chair, Madison County Libertarian Party
July 2020-July 2021: Treasurer, Madison County Libertarian Party
Professor of Chemistry, Syracuse University (1998-2020; now emeritus)
Assistant and Associate Professor of Biochemistry University of Virginia Medical School, Charlottesville (1988-98)
Taught more than 2500 students over a 30-year teaching career, of whom nearly 1000 have gone on to become physicians.
Research focus on photochemical and photobiological processes, including vision as well as natural and artificial photosynthesis
Over 70 peer-reviewed publications, as well as 7 US patents awarded.
Elementary-High School: Attended public schools in Penfield NY (Indian Landing Elementary; Bay Trail Junior High); graduated Penfield Senior High School as co-valedictorian in 1973
- A.B. Chemistry, Harvard University (summa cum laude, ???) 1977
Ph.D., Biophysical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 1983
As Pistol in Syracuse Shakespeare Festival Production of "The Merry Wives of Windsor", Thornen Park, August 2006